Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Cacciatore Day Again

Most chefs in restaurants will cook the same dish on a line in the kitchen often hundreds of times a night. My task is similar yet completely different, I have to make the same dish dozens of times but in front or a group of people or in front of TV cameras.

One of the challenges this creates is not getting sick of hearing myself say the same things over and over and over again. A new audience hasn't seen me demonstrate and teach a dish before but for me this might be my 33rd time teaching a dish in a week. So how do I combat this dilemma? I have fun. Yes, there in lies the key I demonstrate the dish different each time and only try to repeat the important cooking techniques relevant to the recipe.

To illustrate this approach I bring to you chicken cacciatore from last week and this "version" from a mid-day TV appearance. Thanks to the folks at WTVF Nashville.

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